Home RECENT NEWS & EVENTS The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT in partnership with two other African Union institutions namely; the Mediation and Dialogue Division (MDD) within the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department (PAPS) and African Union Mission for Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL) with the support of Cabinet ESEN organised a Roundtable discussion on Alternative Approaches of Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel and West Africa.

The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT in partnership with two other African Union institutions namely; the Mediation and Dialogue Division (MDD) within the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department (PAPS) and African Union Mission for Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL) with the support of Cabinet ESEN organised a Roundtable discussion on Alternative Approaches of Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel and West Africa.

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The discussion was held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 23-25 October 2023. The round table brought together over 30 CT/PVE experts in Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and other regional experts comprising of women and youth groups in terrorism affected communities, researchers and practitioners to examine the various existing innovative community approaches, in order to identify good practices that are inclusive and capable of finding a long-lasting solution to the terrorism menace.

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