Home RECENT NEWS & EVENTS The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) and the Republic of South Korea held a joint roundtable discussion on the threat of terrorism and violent extremism. The roundtable was co-chaired by the Acting Director of ACSRT, Mr Idriss Mounir Lallali and South Korea Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Mr You Ki Jun.

The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) and the Republic of South Korea held a joint roundtable discussion on the threat of terrorism and violent extremism. The roundtable was co-chaired by the Acting Director of ACSRT, Mr Idriss Mounir Lallali and South Korea Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Mr You Ki Jun.

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The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) and the Republic of South Korea held a joint roundtable discussion on the threat of terrorism and violent extremism. The roundtable was co-chaired by the Acting Director of ACSRT, Mr Idriss Mounir Lallali and South Korea Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Mr You Ki Jun.
Key Experts from both the ACSRT and Republic of South Korea made presentations on various emerging threats of concerns to international security including the threats of violent extremism and terrorism in Africa, International cooperation required to addressing the threats, terrorist exploitation of ICTs and emerging technologies such as Drones, Cyberterrorism and artificial intelligence. The roundtable agreed to expand the discussion and ensure that capacities of African Union Member States (AUMS) are built to address the threats.

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